[ lossless audio ]
It was by pure chance that I came across the Polish band WILCZY PAJAK. For a more international approach they
had already already re-named to WOLF SPIDER and I had never heard of them before when I bought a (really
cheap) copy of their "Kingdom Of Paranoia" CD, that, guessing by the price it had, apparently hadn't been
what you would call successful. Though this is something they didn't deserve and something I don't
understand to this day (because not only was the music highly innovative technical thrash, but
it was also accompanied by great musicianship), this seems to have been the fate of ever
so many metal bands with a more or less proggy approach to music like Watchtower,
Nasty Savage, Mekong Delta, Angkor Wat (to name but a few),whose members
then either decided to call it quits or went "on" musically by doing something
less distinctive and unfortunately often rather arbitrary. However, their
output (4 albums and a live split-LP) absolutely deserves to be
listened to and for me they are one of the bands that time
not only forgot to the utmostextent but which were most
underrated even at the time they existed. As you
can see, I don't really have much of the band
yet, but would definitely be glad to see
this change. If someone from the
band should happen to come
across these pages, please
make sure you get in touch!
WILCZY PAJAK "Wilczy Pajak [1st LP], Gielda Studio, Poznan, Poland" [May 1987*] CD
(37:03 min, 9 tracks, 1987, official CD, origin: FLAC)
01 Zadna Ofiary Twarz 02:01
02 Nocny Strach 05:01
03 Memento Mori 07:33
04 Ksiaze Wojny 03:26
05 Upadek Imperium 04:06
06 Grozba 03:40
07 Zemsta Msciciela 02:54
08 Noz W Dloni 03:28
09 M.C. 04:52 -
WOLF SPIDER "Bonus Tracks Of The Polish CD Re-Releases Of The Band's Albums"
(82:10 min, 17 tracks, 198?/199?, official releases, origin: FLAC)
01 Dziewczyna Na Sprzedaz 05:47
02 Telewizja Uczy Zyc 03:47
03 Thrashers 03:19
01 S-Shop 02:42
02 It's Only Vodka 06:32
03 Zboczency 03:48
04 Bezdomne Dzieci 04:15
05 Zniszczyc Mafie 04:43
01 Terrortsci 05:59
02 Plaga 05:22
03 Gdzie Twoja Osobowosc 03:17
04 Prog Swiadomosci 07:12
HUE OF EVIL [1991]:
01 Girl For Sale 05:47
02 Television 03:47
03 Mafia [live] 04:42
04 Bezdomne Dzieci [live] 04:12
05 It's Only Vodka [live] 06:53
Unfortunately, no information whatsoever is given as to the origin
of the bonus tracks. If anyone out there [or even better, a member of the
band] can enlighten me as to that, I would be very grateful, indeed.
WOLF SPIDER "Metalmania '87 [Metalmanii '87], Festival Held April 4th, 1987 in Katowice?, Poland"
(19:17 min, 5 tracks, 1987, split LP w/Dragon, my own transfer from LP, origin: FLAC)
01 Jazda Lucyfera 03:27
02 Grozba 03:39
03 Nocny Strach 03:28
04 Zemsta Msciciela 02:53
05 Noz W Dloni 05:50
* recording date / dates without asterisk are release dates
contact Plasmatzee